What’s up, gaming community. Welcome back to another to these small glimmers of deals. Another month, another set of free games to get with those paid subscriptions or apps. This article will contain a list of free games for September 2021 varying by platform (PlayStation, Xbox, or PC).
As a reminder, Epic Games won’t announce which game is free until the week prior. So, I will be updating this article weekly. Without further ado, let’s begin.
PlayStation Plus is a subscription that offers 2 PS4 or games and a PS5 game. Disclaimer: If your subscription expires, the games are blocked without renewal or buying the game separately.
For September 2021, the PlayStation Plus player base will be able to download:
- Overcooked: All You Can Eat! (September 7th until October 4th)
- Hitman 2 (September 7th until October 4th)
- Predator: Hunting Grounds (September 7th until October 4th)
Overcooked: All You Can Eat! contains both games and all available DLC in one package. For couples and families, I would recommend this due to testing your communication and compatibility skills. Hitman 2 is a solid sequel in a trilogy to pick up, especially if you’ve played the first game. Honestly, the Hitman franchise is considered one of the best covert series to pick up.

Xbox Live Gold is a subscription that offers 2 Xbox One games and a combination between two Xbox 260 games or one Xbox 360 game and one original Xbox game. Disclaimer: Any Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One games thru Gold will not be accessible until the subscription is renewed. Any Xbox 360 games obtained thru Gold will be permanently added to the user’s library even after the subscription ends. All free Xbox 360 and original Xbox games will be automatically backward-compatible with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.
For September 2021, the Xbox Live Gold players will be able to download:
- Xbox 360:
- Zone of the Enders HD Collection (September 1st until 15th)
- Samurai Shodown II (September 16th until 30th)
- Xbox One:
- Yooka-Laylee (August 16th until September 15th)
- Warhammer: Chaosbane (September 1st until 30th)
- Mulaka (September 16th until October 15th)
Prime Gaming (formerly Twitch Prime) is available to all Amazon Prime members, and it gives PC games and DLC to users each month. Disclaimer: Any games or DLC obtained will be permanently added to the user’s library even after the Prime subscription ends.
To the PC master race for September 2020 (between September 1st until October 1st), you will receive:
- Free until September 30th:
- Knock City (on EA Origin)
- Free until October 1st:
- Tools Up!
- Sam and Max Hit the Road
- Puzzle Agent
- Candleman: The Complete Journey
- Unmemory
- Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis
Lastly, we got the Epic Games Store also for the PC. Disclaimer: Any games obtained will be added to the user’s library even after the free period. Epic Games Store doesn’t require a paid subscription of any kind.
PC players for September 2021 will also be able to get:
- Yoku’s Island Express (September 2nd until 9th)
- Sheltered (September 9th until 16th)

September is looking to be a good month. There wasn’t anything too horrible with the list. There are few diamonds on this list compared to last month. Make sure to pick up the games you want on time. Remember, September only has 30 days before they’re gone. If you still wish to look for more free games available, make sure to read August’s edition of the article. Depending on when you read this, there may be games that are still free. Other than this, that will do it for this month. Make sure you come back here for any updates. While you’re at it, make sure you subscribe to me or follow me on Twitter @_urgegaming. I hope you and your loved ones have a blessed day and a cultural month. Peace.