Last holiday season, multiple games came out for the new PS5. One of those games was an “expansion” Spider-Man (PS4) called Spider-Man: Miles Morales. I never got the chance to play the first game. But I thoroughly enjoy Miles Morales. Since the game was on my mind for the last 3 months, I thought of reviewing. Until I scrapped that idea because all I would talk about would how beautiful the game is.
Instead of a game review, I thought I should do something different. This time around, I wanted to talk about the Spider-Man suits from the game. Let the fashion show begin.
Bodega Cat Suit

After finishing a side mission, this suit lets you carry a convenience store cat, Spider-Man. Not Miles’ name. The cat is named “Spider-Man.” The Bodega Cat Suit is a good suit because it’s the only suit where you have a companion with you. Not to mention, when you do a takedown, the cat takes part also. Insomniac didn’t need to add that small detail, but they did.
Classic Suit

This suit is the suit we will most remember of this game. This suit is unlocked by the story’s progression. However, at that point of the game, we see Miles stop becoming a fill-in for Peter and a hero in his own making. One of my favorite content creators always said, “you can never go wrong with black and red colors,” and this suit perfectly fits his quote.
Miles Morales 2099 Suit

The 2099 suit was inspired by the comic series Spider-Man 2099. Which sees a scientist named Miguel O’Hara who became the Spider-Man of the near future. A few things I like about this suit are the visors leave an emitting a steam-like glow, the color design that uses red and blue-like accents. The spider symbol is redesigned to look like a day of the death mask.
Into the Spider-verse Suit

If you look at any article or video about Miles Morales, this suit is always mentioned. Could it be that it references an excellent movie that came two years ago? Yes. Yes, it did. Not only did it match the look, but it also maintained the animation comic book aesthetic. Which I think is another one of those small details that weren’t needed, but I appreciated. You can unlock this suit and mods with a preorder of the game or just by unlocking it with enough levels and credits.
The Miles Morales 2020 Suit

In my opinion, this is the best suit in the game, easily. Along with the digital spider symbol on the chest and helmet making you look like Daft Punk, the jacket brings a nice touch and smoothness. Also, it shows the cleanest pairs of shoes in the game. Adidas tried, but the 2020 suit had it better. Obtaining the suit is good, but what you do to get it is also fun. No spoilers but There are augmented tests all over New York City. Once you finished them, a new test appears, and it is incredible.
Honorable Mention Suits:
T.R.A.C.K. Suit (A suit created by the original comic artist for Ultimate Spider-Man)
Homemade Suit (Reminds us the suit doesn’t make the man)
Programmable Matter Suits (The takedowns are so much fun in this suit)
That will do it for this week. Remember to look at my last article I dedicated to black history month. If you enjoyed this article, make sure to like it and leave a comment to let me know how good (or bad) I did. While you’re at it. Follow me on Twitter, @_urgegaming, to see whenever a new article is posted. I hope everyone has a blessed day and stays safe. Peace.